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■890 / inTopicNo.1)  Re[1]: The Draft and your assistance
□投稿者/ モロ @MAIL -(2003/03/20(Thu) 18:08:17)


     かつて、ベトナム戦争の時、金光教北米教団として、 「良心的な兵役拒否」(conscientious objection)をおこなって、青年信奉者を戦場行きから守ったことがあります。1972年のことで、私もその場に居あわせました。トッド先生が国際センターにいた頃、話した私のその話を思い出し、金光教の過去の経験から、今回の事態に対して、何とか対処できないか、というトッド先生の考えですね。


     本人の、そうした意思表明に対し、ハワイセンターや北米センターの所長が、本人が金光教の信奉者であること、日頃教会活動を積極的におこなっていること、金光教の信仰から「良心的兵役拒否者」conscientious objector になる立場を守ることなどの手紙を政府宛に書く必要が出てきます。


     キリスト教系の教団では、政治的に保守的な教団は別として、conscientiou objection の経験をもった教団があるはずです。また、法的には、弁護士に相談する必要が出てくると思います。
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■888 / inTopicNo.2)  The Draft and your assistance
□投稿者/ Todd Zenji Takahashi @MAIL -(2003/03/19(Wed) 16:19:32)
    Dear Rev. Tanaka:
    As the war looms ever so near, I would like to ask for your help. I remember when I was at KIC, you told me about KCNA's decision to back Makoto Tsuyuki's decision to be a conscientious objector of the war when he was drafted into the army.
    At present here in the United States, there is new talk of reinstating the draft and that's so scary to me. Being a high school teacher and teaching seniors, I know that if the draft is reinstated, those beautiful students I have, would go straight to war. Ministers in KMH are affected as well, since KMH has not taken a stance on this issue. And thus, I am coming to you for help.
    I recently wrote Rev. Muta about our 3 ministers in Hawai`i. Rodney and David Yano; and Alvin Yasutake. Should the draft be reinstated (and there is talk of it), all three qualify to be drafted (unless someone has a health problem). I asked Rev. Muta to talk with you about this, as I do not remember the full details of what had happened during that time.
    I suggested to Rev. Muta that he should get a consensus of all head minsiters in Hawai`i on this issue, so that if Rodney, David or Alvin decide to become conscientious objectors of the war, Rev. Muta with the backing of all the head ministers in Hawai`i can keep all three out of the war. I feel that gaining a consensus also leads to solidarity.
    Rev. Michie Uzunoe herself is worried and I told her about KCNA setting prescedence and that she should look into it and also contact you.
    I wish I had paid more attention to what you had shared with me about that moment in KCNA history, but honestly speaking I never thought something like this would ever come to be. Yet, now I realize how prudent it was for KCNA to have made a decisive decision as such, as it will and can save the lives of many.
    Thank you for your time.
    Aloha kakou,
    Todd Zenji Takahashi
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