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■828 / inTopicNo.1)  To those who visited our church.
□投稿者/ モロ @MAIL ベテラン(206回)-(2009/05/19(Tue) 15:10:55)

    I, the head minister of the church, heard that young couple visited
    our church on the morning of May 17.
    Thirteen people were having meeting when they came. They say a couple
    were Koreans, and the couple asked something in English. Unfortunately
    no one could speak English and they couldn't understand what they
    (you) wanted. They say you brought a printed map of our church from
    web site.
    If you read this, please call 03-3782-0049 or 090-3069-3650, or send
    me a mail. E-mail address is "osaki@konko.jp".

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